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Friday, April 15, 2011


Sorry it's been a week since I posted last. I've been trying to bust my butt, literally. Working hard at the gym and I feel like I got my "swagger" back.  So good news - I hadn't gained even an ounce! But the bad news this week... I didn't lose any either. Insert your choice of a frown face here. So I think I'm hitting my first plateau. Generally this is the part where I would go "screw it! Give me a milkshake stat!" and over indulge in cookies, chips, soda, reeses and bottles of wine until my hearts content... sitting on my lush bed with remote in hand watching a marathon of Law and Order (SVU of course!), but no. NO! I am going to push forward and beat this plateau's butt! So my plan - keep going at it, getting my sweat on at the gym, and keep dieting the old fashioned way. Eventually something's got to give. Right? So below you'll find my "how to" on not giving up. The following I found on different websites - like www.diet.com. and http://www.dietbites.com/Weight-Loss-Tips/156.html

1.) Watch yo' self! OK so the scale is stuck right? Well look at everything and see if you're being true to yourself. Are you really counting the calories between the burger buns? Are you getting more dressing the salad? Make sure you're counting EVERYTHING! 

2.) Switch it up! OK so you've been doing a lot of walking on the treadmill? Try jogging. Been doing a lot of jogging? Try cycling! Keep the body moving in different ways to make sure that it's not adapting. Plus different things get different results. Watch how your body hurts so good in new ways! If you are working out at all or your workouts are light, you need to step it up. A high energy and intensity work out is the way to lose weight. Do not dread the exercise, but embrace them. The more you exercise the higher your metabolism will run, helping you to achieve your weight loss goal

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2804684

3.) Pep it up! Take a look in the mirror. Make sure you're treating yourself well, give yourself a compliment or two, wear things that make you feel good. I'm a firm believer in retail therapy and I know that once I hit a smaller size I get myself a little somethin', somethin' to keep me motivated! Just because you hit a plateau doesn't mean that you've fallen off track, it just means that your body is adapting to something. You haven't failed, you've lost weight already! You've got it in you!! 

4.) Chill out! OK so you're totally freaking out because you just can't seem to lose those next few pounds.  I totally get it, I've been there! But seriously, stress physically and mentally does a number on your body. Maybe this is the perfect time for a yoga class!

5.)  Look at you! Look at what you've accomplished so far! How many inches have you lost? How many pounds was that? Are you breathing easier? Are you able to do things easier than you have? Can you fit into smaller jeans and different places (movie theater chairs, etc) easier? Can you play with your kids in ways you hadn't be able to before? Progress shows in more places than just the waist line and on the scale. 

6.)  Realize that a plateau is a good thing. When the body temporarily shuts down weight loss, it's actually a very good thing.  Although if the dieter had anything to say about it, they would tell the body, "Let's get to losing weight again, okay!"  But sometimes (actually more times than not), the body is smarter than our brain. The plateau is a built-in safety net that prevents self-destruction. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Guidelines to Social Dieting.

How to Survive Eating Out.

Being social can totally cramp your diet style.  Friday night dinners  don't have to be a thing of the past and starving yourself all day isn't the right answer either.Starving yourself will cause you to binge and overeat. Here's a few tricks that you can try to make sure all your hard work doesn't go out the window.

1.) Eat before you meet! Having something small and healthy makes sure that you don't over indulge at the establishment of your BFF's choosing to celebrate life's new milestone - or surviving the work week.Having a light snack, such as toast, a banana or a low calorie yoghurt before you go out will take the edge off hunger and stop you gorging the minute you enter the restaurant.

2.) Order before anyone else. This helps you make your decision without influence before your friends and coworkers. Bob's double decker angus burger won't make your grilled chicken panini look pathetic.

3.)Calorie Allowance: You can make allowances over the week saving calories each day. Increase your exercise; remember any form of physical exercise counts.

4.) Steer clear of the beer! Remember, alcoholic drinks are high in calories (and prevents you from burning calories and fat). Quench your thirst with water or low calorie diet drinks, not alcohol. Try making your wine a spritzer (a longer drink with lemonade), and look out for low-calorie mixers

5.) Well for starters...
  • Choose a clear soup - avoid the thick and creamy options. You can eat the bread but leave out the butter!
  • Seafood, melon and grapefruit are good choices
  • Try to avoid rich dressings
  • A low-calorie starter will show you you are in control.

6.) Dishing on the Main Dish.
  • Choose small cuts of lean read meat
  • Chicken (grilled) and fish (grilled, poached, steamed) dishes are good choices
  • Dishes which are fried, coated in breadcrumbs or pastry dishes should be avoided
  • Order a jacket potato instead of chips
  • Order extra salads and vegetables
  • You can ask for dressings to be served separately

7.)  Just Desserts!
  • Leave a little time for your food to digest before you order a dessert. Give your stomach time to send signals to your brain you are full (it takes about 20 minutes)
  • Try a sorbet, a yoghurt (get it?) dish, fruits or melon

8.) And Finally....
  • There is no need for seconds
  • If there are a lot of courses, you can skip one
  • Try to leave some food on your plate; you will eat less. Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to eat it!
  • Eat slowly and enjoy the conversation. Put your knife and fork down - allow your body time to digest.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


As if that wasn't obvious enough right? Well, I know this dilemma - and very well. So I am on a quest to find the healthy solutions to this ongoing epidemic. The occasional burger is one thing - but the ongoing quarter pounders then the double quarter ponders are quite something different. Also look at the name - it equals the amount it will put on you! Yikes!

So here's some suggestions - and some I have tried that help me out...

Chic Fil A happens to be my favorite fast food place, especially for breakfast! I USED to get the biscuit a slob on two packets of mayo then get an extra large sweet tea... talk about yummy! But since I started this voyage for a healthier me... I now get the yogurt parfait with granola!
1 cup, 240, 5g, 47g, 7g
McDonalds has a similar one... blueberries are in it I believe...
5.3 oz, 160, 2g, 31g, 4g
Item Serving Size Calories Calories from Fat Total Fat Saturated Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbohydrates Fiber Sugars Protein
Barbeque Sauce 1 pkg (28 g) 45 0 0 0 0 260 11 0 10 0
Chicken McNuggets (10 piece) 5.6 oz (160 g) 420 220 24 5 60 1120 26 0 0 25
Chicken McNuggets (20 piece) 11.3 oz (320 g) 840 440 49 11 125 2240 51 0 0 50
Chicken McNuggets (4 piece) 2.3 oz (64 g) 170 90 10 2 25 450 10 0 0 10
Chicken McNuggets (6 piece) 3.4 oz (96 g) 250 130 15 3 35 670 15 0 0 15
Chicken Selects Premium Breast Strips (10 pc) 15.6 oz (442 g) 1270 590 66 12 180 3100 92 0 0 77
Chicken Selects Premium Breast Strips (3 pc) 4.7 oz (133 g) 380 180 20 3 55 930 28 0 0 23
Chicken Selects Premium Breast Strips (5 pc) 7.8 oz (221 g) 630 300 33 6 90 1550 46 0 0 39
Chipotle Barbeque Sauce 1.5 oz (43 g) 70 0 0 0 0 260 16 0 14 0
Creamy Ranch Sauce 1.5 oz (43 g) 200 190 21 3 10 300 3 0 1 0
Honey 1 pkg (14 g) 50 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 11 0
Hot Mustard Sauce 1 pkg (28 g) 50 15 2 0 0 260 9 1 6 1
Spicy Buffalo Sauce 1.5 oz (43 g) 60 60 6 1 0 910 1 0 0 0
Sweet N Sour Sauce 1 pkg (28 g) 50 0 0 0 0 160 11 0 10 0
Tangy Honey Mustard Sauce 1.5 oz (43 g) 70 20 2 0 0 160 13 1 9 1
Anyone besides me notice that the salad strips have the most calories?!

I only did those two - because they are the most accessible... I'm going to try to look up about two a week for you good natured people. But for now, my attention is diverted to another few very interesting facts....

Here are some foods you should vow to never eat again... or on a more realistic note - try to limit.

1.)Coffee: Yes... this is a truly a wake up call- pun was totally intended and cheesy... Coffee increases your cravings making you eat more causing you to gain fat. Total bummer.

2.) Alcohol. We've been over this - but to be more blunt Alcohol is basically the refined juice of natural foods which makes it a drink of pure concentrated sugar that will make you gain fat easily

3.)Snacks - obvious duh 0 but here's something you DIDN'T know... potato chips, popcorn, cookies, candy, ice cream, cakes, etc. The ingredients in these foods make you want to eat more and the companies who make these snack foods know you'll stay addicted to them

4.) Salt and Sugar.... salt & sugar intake because too much salt & sugar causes you to gain water weight making you look fatter than you already are... also Sugar naturally kills the libido - but we've gone over this.

5.)Soda - You need to stop drinking regular & diet sodas. Quick fact: If you replaced a 20oz bottle of soda with water daily... You would easily lose up to 35 pounds in one year

Here's a General List of things to Avoid....

  1. Fried foods
  2. Hamburgers & French fries
  3. Table sugar
  4. Plain Jam
  5. salted nuts
  6. smoked nuts
  7. refried beans
  8. Baked Beans
  9. Chocolate Fudge
  10. Candy
  11. Toffee
  12. Gums
  13. Boiled sweets
  14. Mint Sweets
  15. Liquorice
  16. Honey - Honey has minimal nutritional value & has the same calorie content as sugar.
  17. Soft drinks
  18. Tinned fruits
  19. Chutney
  20. Pickle
  21. bacon
  22. sausage
  23. cured meats
  24. ham
  25. fatty cuts of steak like T-bone & rib-eye
  26. Puddings
  27. Corn syrup
  28. Fruit juice - It's better to eat raw fruit instead of fruit juice because fruits contain more fiber and the juice will always contain more sugar than the actual fruit.
  29. Cake
  30. Bread made with white flour
  31. Soda pop, such as Coke®, Pepsi®, Mountain Dew®, etc.
  32. All baked goods made with white flour
  33. Coffee
  34. Biscuits
  35. Fast foods
  36. Pasta made with white flour
  37. Canned fruits w/added sugar
  38. Most packaged cereals
  39. Alcohol can slow your metabolism down by 73%
  40. Potato chips
  41. Popcorn
  42. Cookies
  43. Ice cream
  44. Cakes
  45. Pies
  46. All deserts
  47. Artificial sweeteners
  48. Most bottled green teas have more ingredients in it to help you gain weight than the actual green tea itself to help you lose weight.

Monday, March 28, 2011

OBESITY - the Stigma of Food.

I've always been a larger than life girl. Even since I was little. I remember during gymnastics in elementary school the coach would let me hold the stop watch because I was too big for him to pick up. I've always been called names and poked at, made fun of, the list goes on. I know I'm not alone in this battle. Everyone has some memory they are not too fond of recalling. Some of you will start to weep reading this issue remembering your own pain. But, that is a good thing! Once you've admitted to yourself that you are over weight and you allow yourself to feel the pain, you can begin your own voyage to good  health. It's full of hard times and obstacles but you're not alone. We are all here for you.

I know I hate myself naked. I see tons of imperfections, including to what I refer to as my kangaroo pouch. I have more rolls than a bakers dozen and thunder thighs from hell. I also have cankles and imperfect skin. Even though God has blessed me in the front, he did not seem fit to grant me those blessings in the back. But, even with all this said, and I still LOATHE those parts about my body, I am still a beautiful person. Beauty isn't about size, how big or small you are, it's about taking care of yourself and being a genuinely good person. This whole weight loss thing isn't about being sexy, getting a man and up staging the mean girls next door. I have all that already, it's about being HEALTHY. That's MY goal.

I've been that scare, embarrassed little fat girl for so long, ashamed to go out and thinking I'm not good enough for anyone that I refuse to be that anymore. Mentally I've addressed that moved on. I'm not facing the bigger issues and trying to figure out why I eat.


It's a scary, very real thing. In some cases people would venture to say it's the hardest addiction to over come. You can walk away and survive from cocaine addiction, but you need food to live. How do you keep yourself nourished without over indulging? What is it that I'm addicted to? Why and how did I start this habit? I don't have those answers, and my guess is neither do you but I know you know what I am talking about. Seeing that Reese peanut butter cup laying all lonesome on the counter, no one there to claim it - it has to be mine. I have to have the last piece of cake. I need to have that steak and cheese sub and yes the mayonnaise is crucial. Why? It's so not healthy. Millions face the same dilemma every day. I found that after about a week of mentally preparing myself and not letting myself go without those things but instead having a bit and not the whole cake, I've been dealing with it a lot better. It's a long hard road ahead of me, but I know that this too, shall pass. I need control of my life, I need to handle this and this is nobody's fault but my own now. The support of family and friends is a true moral compass that keeps me grounded, steadfast and headstrong. It's a physical addiction and a mental addiction - but remember in the end it's all mind over matter. The slight euphoric feeling you get from the milliseconds of the macaroni and cheese is nothing compare to the feeling you get from saying NO! A trip to the gym with a good sweat going on is a much better feeling than any piece of molten chocolate cake can give me. It's an achievement and your whole body feels good, not just your tongue.

It's More Than Just Addiction - It's Boredom.

There's several reasons people have horrible eating habits. A big one of mine is boredom. If I have nothing to do it's no big deal to pop a bag of Orville Reddenbachers and thrown in a movie and be sedentary for three hours, mindlessly popping one kernel after another in my mouth. When I am at work, it's the same thing. Not to mention all the home made delicacies that litter the tables and desks of others who love to share and share alike. Lately I've found myself trying to keep myself busy. I'll draw, or dance or find something to do outside and not be home and motionless, feeling the pounds of dormant flesh multiply on itself. I'm finding my substitutes for my boredom habits. It's a commonality on young America today.People, such as myself are used to be over stimulated and when we don't know what to do with ourself, consumption, consumption, consumption.

So - step one- put down the donut.
Step two - find out who you are without food.

Now - this is my journey, my battle and my health is my responsibility.  I hope this helps you as much as this thinking out loud helps me

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Ugly Truth About Sugar

Here are some things I found out today about sugar. Sure it puts the extra plush on the mid-section and the fluff under the arms, also known as the bat-wings. You know what I am talking about, when you wave goodbye or hello and your arms waves back. 

But there are some other things you probably didn't know that you should. For instance did you know that having too much sugar in your diet causes depression? Or did you know that is also affects your libido? Sugar can also prohibit weight loss and cause insomnia, amongst also making you lose focus and make you feel sluggish. Sheesh! Maybe those cupcakes aren't worth it... I'd rather have my libido. 

We all have the need to get a sweet fix. It's part of our biological makeup. When consumed, sweets elicit a chemical cascade of events that lead to the triggering of feel-good receptors within the brain. If this happens repeatedly, an emotional bond between happiness and sugar is formed. We become fully dependent on sweets. Sugar addiction is best illustrated by children who break down with temper tantrums if not given sugar, women who consume chocolate in times of stress, and men who suck down soda to make it through the "afternoon blues." In a study comparing the addictive properties of sweeteners, saccharin and sucrose proved more addictive than cocaine!If left unchecked, an addiction to sweets spikes blood sugar and the fat-storing hormone insulin, disrupts satiety (causing users to overeat), and gives rise to age-accelerating molecules known as AGE products (advanced glycation end products). These aging molecules (not cholesterol) are responsible for causing wrinkles and age-related blindness, as well as premature heart attacks and stroke.
But that doesn't mean you should replace sucrose with artificial sweeteners to get your sweet fix. Artificial sweeteners are nothing more than drugs in disguise. Splenda is a perfect example.
Splenda contains the drug sucralose. Invented in a pesticide lab, this chemical is 600 times sweeter than sugar. To make sucralose, chlorine is used. Chlorine has a split personality. It can be harmless or it can be life threatening. In combo with sodium, chlorine forms a harmless ionic bond to yield table salt. When used with carbon, the chlorine atom in sucralose forms a covalent bond. The end result is deadly organochlorine, known simply as RNFOC (a Really Nasty Form of Chlorine). Unlike ionic bonds, covalently bound chlorines are a big no-no for the human body. They yield insecticides, pesticides, and herbicides - not something you want in your sports drink or your child's lunchbox.
Think aspartame (Equal, Nutrasweet) is safe? Think again. Teaching organic chemistry, I taught my students how to identify the active ingredients in soda using a technique known as TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography). The byproducts of sodas containing aspartame are all known poisons (that would slowly kill you): methanol, phenylalanine, and aspartic acid. I never saw my students with a diet soda after that.
Safe alternatives to artificial sweeteners are abundant: erythritol, agave, xylitol and luo han guo.
Choosing which natural sweetener to use depends on which one tastes best to you. Agave nectar usually wins. It stimulates taste buds exactly the same way sucrose does. But unlike common table sugar, very little of its active ingredient - inulin - is absorbed. Therefore, you are protected from the dangers of sugar addiction.  
As a "nectar," agave is a bit harder to bake with. This is where the safe and natural erythritol wins. You can replace it gram for gram with sugar. Even better, I like to use 25% table sugar and 75% erythritol in baking and ice cream. You won’t even notice the healthy difference. That’s the real magic here!
Try This Recipie!

Agave Ice Cream
1 Cup Milk
1/2 Cup Volcanic Agave Nectar
1 Tablespoon Mexican Vanilla
Pinch of salt
2 Eggs
2 Cups Unsweetened Almond Milk (can also use cream or 1/2 and 1/2)
Place milk, Agave Nectar, Mexican Vanilla and salt in a medium saucepan. Heat at a low temperature for 7-10 minutes. Mix in the eggs and stir lightly until slightly thick. When cool, stir in the Almond Milk.
Add this mixture to your ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer's directions to make deliciously healthy ice cream with Agave! Add in fruit or chocolate for different varities!   

I'm sure you're asking "where can I buy Agave Nectar?" And I did the research for you. Here is a list of national retailers that supply it...
The brand name is Madhava. Enjoy!


So since today's economy and average family lifestyle isn't what it once was, once upon a time... finding time to exercise is practically non-existent. On average the American General Surgeon suggests thirty minutes of cardio a day... I found a few things that the average working person can do during work. 

While you shouldn't give up on your home or gym exercise routine, you can certainly supplement it with exercises done at your desk (and, on those extra-long workdays, it's much better than doing nothing.) Here are a few aerobic tricks to try during your next break between tasks:
  • Glance at the wall clock and rip off a minute's worth of jumping jacks. If you're a beginner, try the low-impact version (raise your right arm and tap your left toe to the side while keeping your right foot on the floor; alternate sides)
  • Do a football-like drill of running in place for 60 seconds. Get those knees up! (Beginners, march in place.)
  • Simulate jumping rope for a minute: Hop on alternate feet, or on both feet at once. An easier version is to simulate the arm motion of turning a rope, while alternately tapping the toes of each leg in front.
  • While seated, pump both arms over your head for 30 seconds, then rapidly tap your feet on the floor, football-drill style, for 30 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.
  • If you can step into a vacant office or conference room, shadow box for a minute or two. Or just walk around the room as fast as you can.
  • Or do walk-lunges in your office or a vacant room. (You could also amuse your co-workers by doing these in the hall; remember Monty Python's "Ministry of Silly Walks" comedy routine?). Set your PDA to beep you into action.
  • No conference room? Take to the stairs -- two at a time if you need a harder workout! Do this 5-7 times a day.

Want Something Less Breathless?



Afraid the phone will ring and you'll sound like a lion is chasing you? Price's book has more than 300 less dramatic -- but equally beneficial -- exercises. "I call these fitness minutes," she says.
Some strength-building suggestions:
  • Do one-legged squats (hold onto a wall or table for support) while waiting for a web page to load, the copier to spit our your reports, or faxes to slither out.
  • Stand with one leg straight and try to kick your buttocks with the other.
  • Sitting in your chair, lift one leg off the seat, extend it out straight, hold for 2 seconds; then lower your foot (stop short of the floor) and hold for several seconds. Switch; do each leg 15 times.
  • To work your chest and shoulders, place both hands on your chair arms and slowly lift your bottom off the chair. Lower yourself back down but stop short of the seat, hold for a few seconds. Do 15 times.
  • To stretch your back and strengthen your biceps, place your hands on the desk and hang on. Slowly push your chair back until your head is between your arms and you're looking at the floor. Then slowly pull yourself back in. Again, 15 of these.
  • Desk pushups can be a good strengthener. (First, make sure your desk is solid enough to support your weight.) Standing, put your hands on the desk. Walk backward, then do push-ups against the desk. Repeat 15 times.

Reach for the Sky

Stretching exercises are a natural for the desk-bound, to ease stress and keep your muscles from clenching up. Here are a few suggestions:
  • Sitting tall in your chair, stretch both arms over your head and reach for the sky. After 10 seconds, extend the right hand higher, then the left.
  • Let your head loll over so that your right ear nearly touches your right shoulder. Using your hand, press your head a little lower (gently, now). Hold for 10 seconds. Relax, and then repeat on the other side.
  • Try this yoga posture to relieve tension: Sit facing forward, then turn your head to the left and your torso to the right, and hold a few seconds. Repeat 15 times, alternating sides.
  • Sitting up straight, try to touch your shoulder blades together. Hold, and then relax.
You get to put your feet up for this one! To ease the hamstrings and lower back, push your chair away from your desk and put your right heel up on the desk. Sit up straight, and bend forward just until you feel a gentle stretch in the back of your leg. Flex your foot for a few seconds, and then point it. Bend forward a little farther, flex your foot again, and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Unobtrusive but Effective

Butt clenches are also helpful in today's booty-conscious society. Tighten your buttocks, hold, hold, hold, and then relax. Repeat 15 times. The same goes for ab squeezes -- just tighten your tummy muscles instead.

Use Every Minute Actively

Whenever possible, "stand rather than sit," Price says. "Walk rather than stand."
  • Walk during your lunch break. If you find that boring, buy a camera and walk around taking pictures. Some experts say it's ideal to walk 10,000 steps a day -- this can be five miles, depending on the length of your stride. "Buy a pedometer, wear it five days, and divide by five," Price suggests. "If you're nowhere near 10,000 -- and this takes some doing -- set a reasonable goal. If you clocked 2,000 steps, go for 2,500."
  • Join a gym near your office and go during your lunch hour. If your employer provides a gym, that's even better.
  • Forget emailing the guy three cubes over -- walk.
  • Remember, walks to the vending machine don't count!

Calabrese often calls her fitness-coaching clients or emails them to remind them they had planned to work out or walk at lunch. You can do the same -- put a reminder on your desk calendar, a sticky note on your computer, or send yourself an e-mail reminder.
One last thing: Don't let fear of embarrassment keep you from exercising at work. Chances are, your co-workers will admire your efforts rather than be amused. You might even get them to join you on a lunchtime walk or to help you lobby for lunch-hour yoga classes at your workplace.
So what should you do if one of your co-workers, say, finds you in your chair two feet from the desk, stretched out, staring at the floor? "You could pretend you dropped a pen," Price laughs. "But it's better to say, 'This feels great! Try it.'"
(the above info is from WebMd.)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Things You Should Know

The Truth about alcohol.

There’s a reason they call it a “beer belly,” and drinking less beer, or quitting drinking altogether, will help you lose belly fat. No matter who (or how good looking) the drinker is, beer is bad for a number of reasons. The most obvious reason is the caloric content of beer. The less obvious reasons are the inflammation of the pancreas and liver, and the bloating that often accompany the over-consumption of alcoholic beverages; this includes alcohol mixed with sweet, sugary liquids like soda. Also alcohol produces waste products in the body called acetate and acetaldehyde. As your body processes these waste products it stops burning fat and even begins to create new fat, giving you double trouble if trying to lose weight. After a few drinks alcohol will leave you feeling hungry, even if your body isn’t, so you’ll tend to eat more than you usually would. In my experience it’s unlikely that you’ll go for the healthy option after drinking alcohol. Anyone for pizza? Alcohol lowers levels of serotonin, the ‘feel good’ hormone. After drinking you’ll feel depressed the next day and use food as a way to lift your mood. Alcohol also burns sugar in the body so you’ll be craving sugary and fatty foods. Drinking alcohol prohibits the building of muscle. In order to build muscle you need to be well hydrated and alcohol dehydrates the body. It also raises the level of cortisol, a muscle wasting hormone. As muscle burns fat, the less muscle you have, the less fat is burned.

Vitamin B Gets an A in My Book!

Did you know that increasing your consumption of B vitamins could help you to lose pounds faster?    Relax, this is not mumbo jumbo or another poorly disguised sales tactic to try to sell you diet pills or supplements.  The scientific fact is that, in order to lose weight, you need to speed up your metabolism and B vitamins will help do just that.  Think about it. If you are eating fewer calories anyway due to a more healthy diet and your body is burning these calories quicker, the end result must be a loss of pounds.  Right?  Yes! You can increase your Vitamin B intake very easily through your normal diet.  Combine some almond milk, almonds and a banana to make a delicious smoothie to help you lose weight.  Add some oatmeal and you have a healthy vitamin packed power breakfast.   You want your body to start burning off your fat stores and vitamin B5 will help it to do that.  Good sources are free range eggs, whole meal or whole germ bread and for those of you who eat meat, liver and kidneys. If you are suffering from tiredness and are having problems losing weight, your doctor will test your thyroid function. An underactive thyroid will prevent you from losing pounds and could need medical treatment.   Vitamin B6 is very important in keeping the thyroid functioning properly, so make sure you eat plenty of cabbage, avocados and eat oily fish such as mackerel, sardines and salmon. All of our body organs need a good supply of vitamins and minerals in order to function at their best. This includes those responsible for converting fat into energy and burning calories.  A healthy well balanced eating plan is the best way to ensure you receive all your body needs.  Sometimes though, a vitamin supplement may help in situations where you are recovering from stress or an illness.





Suffering from cubicle butt after long hours at the office? Try this bikini butt workout – it lifts and shapes you in all the right spots in time for beach season.

You've spent the last six months working your butt off at the office -- juggling meetings, e-mails and the paper tsunami otherwise known as your inbox. And while your boss is satisfied and your paychecks are getting fatter, all those hours spent sitting behind a desk have taken their toll. Instead of sporting a lifted rear end, you feel like you have cubicle butt.
Before you resign yourself to wearing a coverup all summer, try these exclusive moves from the "Quick Fix Buns" video (Peter Pan Industries), designed to zero in on your butt muscles, so you can get a rounder, more lifted look in time for beach season.

When is the Best Time to Eat? 

They say that you should breakfast like a King (or a Queen if you are that way inclined), lunch like a Prince and dine like a Pauper, well since no one told me that when I was younger, I imagined that dinner should be largest meal of the day. Instead, it's important to load your day up with food at the beginning, so that you burn it throughout the day and go to bed a little empty, so that your food doesn't turn to fat over night.

It's probably best to try to avoid eating after seven thirty, I always thought that a noble but often impossible thing to do as a busy professional, but it's all about will and making that decision.

Some people would rather go hungry than eat late. I would say, stock something light that you could nibble, no need to miss a meal, but don't eat sugar - like fruit late or you will find yourself very wired and hungry late. The same for caffeine


People who skip breakfast and eat fewer times throughout the day tend to be heavier than those who eat breakfast and eat several times throughout the day, according to the National Institutes of Health. According to MayoClinic.com, breakfast reduces your hunger later in the day and gives you energy, leading to increased physical activity. People who eat breakfast also tend to eat healthier all day than people who don't.




Small Meals

Go Ask Alice, an advice column on the website of Columbia University, recommends four to five meals spaced out throughout the day to prevent overeating at any one meal. Avoid eating the bulk of your food at any one meal because going too long without eating may lead to too large of portion sizes. Eating regular meals spaced evenly apart also keeps blood sugar levels stable. Skipping meals can contribute to low blood sugar, causing you to feel weak and lightheaded.





It may sound counterintuitive, but you should eat only when you're hungry. Many people eat for other reasons: it's dinnertime, their friends are eating, they're confusing thirst for hunger, they're bored or emotional. Pay attention to your body's natural hunger signals and only eat when truly hungry. MayoClinic.com recommends fighting boredom by taking a walk, reading or calling a friend. If you're an emotional eater, try stress management techniques, such as meditation or yoga, or consider joining a support group. MayoClinic.com also advises keeping a food journal. Write down what you ate and how you felt when you ate it, and you may begin to see patterns emerge.




Eating With Others

When eating with others, you may be more likely to lose track of how much you eat, according to MSNBC. You also may eat for a longer period of time than if you were eating alone. These factors lead to eating 35 percent more when eating with others compared with eating alone, reports MSNBC. If eating with a party of seven or more, you may eat 96 percent more. If you're going to eat with others, try to eat with those who have similar diets. Sit next to slow eaters and try to match their pace. Most of the time, choose to eat alone and share other types of social activities with friends, such as shopping or movie-watching.





Try not to eat when distracted. Mindfulness, or complete awareness of the current situation, is an important consideration when it comes to eating. Lack of mindfulness leads to overeating. Take a break from watching television and devote your full attention to your meal. Don't eat while walking or driving. Psychology Today recommends that to eat mindfully, pay attention to the "colors, smells, textures, flavors, temperatures, and even the sounds (crunch!) of our food."