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Thursday, March 17, 2011


OK so I have been asked about what to anticipate with a new body. How interactions will be diffrent and how to feel sexy and work with your new "assets", so to speak. Since I have always had a rollercoaster ride with my body, I can't speak from any professional experiance-per say, but I can tell you about what I went through.

1.) People are going to say things to you. You will get compliments, just accept them graciously and move on. I know that some may think "why are you talking to me now?" yadda yadda yadda. Remember they are just trying to be nice and give you a boost. Remember this is part of what you are working towards now, or part of the reason of your accomplishment that you already achieved if you're at your goal status now.

2.) There are going to be days that you feel like you own the world and are the best looking thing on the planet (and you are!), but there are also going to be days where you don't feel any different. This is normal. You're still you - and no matter what you may look like on the outside - remember your inside beauty is what also counts.  When you're feeling down - retail therapy is always nice. Put on something that makes you feel as gorgeous as you are!

3.) Relationships - if you're currently in one - things could either change for the better in a "physical aspect." This doesn't necessarily mean that his feelings have changed or if they had it tends to be for the better. Whenever you physically feel better - it affects you mentally in a positive light too. You will have more confidence over all and will be happier. He or she loves you and will be happy with you and for you.  Happiness and confidence is what is sexy and what draws people in. Plus - they may also find you more attractive than what you already are.

3-B.) "All the single ladies!"- cheesey- couldn't resist. I'm sorry. But - play it up. You may get more attention than what you've been used to - eat it up with a spoon ( so to speak) ! Just don't be a you know what about it. Having you ideal body doesn't give your permission to be a jerk. But go out, have fun and remember where you came from. Celebrate and flaunt the new you!

4.) Clothes are going to be hard to shop for at first. You may go into size shock and still want to buy something that is a bit too big. Bring someone with you at all times to ensure you're getting what fits and what looks best on you. You may not have been able to wear a halter top before but now it could be your best look yet! Sometimes you may still not feel comfortable wearing things that might be a tad more risque than your previous wardrobe- and things still may look better on you than it does the hanger and vice versa. So the rule of thumb- never shop alone.

5.) Friends... things are going to change. Your true friends will love you and support you and stay by your side but there may be some people that can't handle change and they will fall to the way-side. Hopefully that won't happen but don't be suprized if it does. I fairwarned you.

Now of course you're going to have other changes too, but those are the top 5 I have discovered for me. Every person is different so some of this or none of what I mentioned may apply to you. This is only intended to let you learn from what I have been through so you can take from it what you will.

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