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Friday, April 15, 2011


Sorry it's been a week since I posted last. I've been trying to bust my butt, literally. Working hard at the gym and I feel like I got my "swagger" back.  So good news - I hadn't gained even an ounce! But the bad news this week... I didn't lose any either. Insert your choice of a frown face here. So I think I'm hitting my first plateau. Generally this is the part where I would go "screw it! Give me a milkshake stat!" and over indulge in cookies, chips, soda, reeses and bottles of wine until my hearts content... sitting on my lush bed with remote in hand watching a marathon of Law and Order (SVU of course!), but no. NO! I am going to push forward and beat this plateau's butt! So my plan - keep going at it, getting my sweat on at the gym, and keep dieting the old fashioned way. Eventually something's got to give. Right? So below you'll find my "how to" on not giving up. The following I found on different websites - like www.diet.com. and http://www.dietbites.com/Weight-Loss-Tips/156.html

1.) Watch yo' self! OK so the scale is stuck right? Well look at everything and see if you're being true to yourself. Are you really counting the calories between the burger buns? Are you getting more dressing the salad? Make sure you're counting EVERYTHING! 

2.) Switch it up! OK so you've been doing a lot of walking on the treadmill? Try jogging. Been doing a lot of jogging? Try cycling! Keep the body moving in different ways to make sure that it's not adapting. Plus different things get different results. Watch how your body hurts so good in new ways! If you are working out at all or your workouts are light, you need to step it up. A high energy and intensity work out is the way to lose weight. Do not dread the exercise, but embrace them. The more you exercise the higher your metabolism will run, helping you to achieve your weight loss goal

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2804684

3.) Pep it up! Take a look in the mirror. Make sure you're treating yourself well, give yourself a compliment or two, wear things that make you feel good. I'm a firm believer in retail therapy and I know that once I hit a smaller size I get myself a little somethin', somethin' to keep me motivated! Just because you hit a plateau doesn't mean that you've fallen off track, it just means that your body is adapting to something. You haven't failed, you've lost weight already! You've got it in you!! 

4.) Chill out! OK so you're totally freaking out because you just can't seem to lose those next few pounds.  I totally get it, I've been there! But seriously, stress physically and mentally does a number on your body. Maybe this is the perfect time for a yoga class!

5.)  Look at you! Look at what you've accomplished so far! How many inches have you lost? How many pounds was that? Are you breathing easier? Are you able to do things easier than you have? Can you fit into smaller jeans and different places (movie theater chairs, etc) easier? Can you play with your kids in ways you hadn't be able to before? Progress shows in more places than just the waist line and on the scale. 

6.)  Realize that a plateau is a good thing. When the body temporarily shuts down weight loss, it's actually a very good thing.  Although if the dieter had anything to say about it, they would tell the body, "Let's get to losing weight again, okay!"  But sometimes (actually more times than not), the body is smarter than our brain. The plateau is a built-in safety net that prevents self-destruction. 

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